Welcome to BabyDoodle, your guide to nurturing creativity and development in infants and toddlers through engaging and fun activities. Here’s everything you need to know about introducing doodling to your little one, ensuring it's a joyful and beneficial experience.

Benefits of Doodling for Babies

  1. Enhances Fine Motor Skills:
  2. Boosts Cognitive Development:
  3. Encourages Emotional Expression:
  4. Fosters Creativity and Imagination:

Safe and Fun Doodling Tools

  1. Non-Toxic Crayons:
  2. Washable Markers:
  3. Finger Paints:
  4. Water Doodle Mats:

Doodling Activities for Babies

1. Color Exploration

Materials: Large sheet of paper, non-toxic crayons or markers


  1. Tape the paper to a flat surface.
  2. Encourage your baby to hold a crayon or marker and make marks on the paper.
  3. Talk to them about the colors they are using and the shapes they are creating.

2. Finger Painting Fun

Materials: Non-toxic finger paints, large sheet of paper or canvas